A wonderful time was had by folks attending the Holiday At Home for Over 65s event at St Michael’s Church at Stoke Gifford on 21st July. Goldies leader Emma was delighted to provide a Goldies Sing&Smile session as part of the entertainment.
![]() PRESS RELEASE Media enquiries to Grenville Jones on 07778 282934 or email [email protected] Image shows Cheryl Davies singing out for Goldies Wednesday July 6, 2022 Forced by Covid to cancel all of its daytime FUN Sing&Smile sessions in 2020, the Golden-Oldies Charity took their FUN weekly singalongs online. www.goldieslive.com ‘Sofa-singing’ introduced Wales-based Goldies session leader Cheryl Davies to a weekly audience of older people across the UK. “Such was the popularity of Cheryl’s singing that the Charity have produced a CD of her performing some of the popular melodies which are such a hit with our older folk,” says Charity Founder Grenville Jones. Song list – see end of release. Many residential homes and age-support organisations live streamed the twice weekly sessions with Cheryl becoming the popular voice (and face) of ‘Goldies’, as it has become known. The double-track CD with five popular songs from the 50s will be given to everyone now back attending and enjoying their popular sessions in Church halls, community rooms and Libraries. “Cheryl leads the Charity’s work in Wales taking sessions. However through the CD, folk can enjoy her singing at home as well!” added Grenville. “She has a great voice and on the CD she is ‘double-tracked, so it’s a Cheryl duet!” With support from the National Lottery, in Wales, Goldies Cymru will be introducing new sessions for people living with dementia and their carers working with Dementia Matters in Powys and the Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) in the weeks ahead, responding to their request ‘we want Goldies sessions please in our area!” The Golden-Oldies Charity was started by Bath-based choir leader Grenville Jones in 2007. From just four daytime sessions in community rooms, taken himself, it grew to over 200 (pre-Covid) across England and Wales (Goldies Cymru) where it is supported by the Moondance Foundation. Sir Cliff Richard is Patron of Golden-Oldies. As restrictions have lifted, the charity has been able to bring back its fun singalongs in community rooms, church halls and Libraries across the UK. “It was a slow process at first,” says Grenville, “but in recent months, both in England and Wales, GOLDIES IS NOW BACK. “The aim of the Charity is quite simple, it is to bring people together through social sessions featuring the popular hits of the 60s onwards. Provoking memories of times past and cherished thoughts. A reason to get out, meet new friends and SMILE. “Loneliness and isolation are a major issue across communities and we are working hard to bring back our popular sessions in more areas in the months ahead. Everyone loves a good singalong!” says Grenville. In England 65 Sing&Smile sessions have relaunched across the country, from Bradford in Yorkshire to Cornwall, with 35 planned for Wales by the close of 2022. Fantastic support from many organisations and Trusts have enabled the Charity to respond to the many requests for Goldies groups, meeting the demand for fun daytime social activities for older adults who have experienced isolation in the pandemic. Included in the new sessions are the East London, Havering Asian Welfare Association, who run a traditional Sing&Smile session alongside a popular Bollywood Goldies sing and dance. Inns Court Community and Family Centre in Bristol is another new session that has started to provide an afternoon of entertainment. The Charity have welcomed eight new Session Leaders to their team over the last six months and are keen to recruit new Leaders. Contact Emma in the Goldies office on 01761 470006 or [email protected] for more information about the work of the Charity. ENDS On the CD Cheryl sings
www.golden-oldies.org.uk DATGANIAD I’R WASG Ymholiadau’r cyfryngau i Grenville Jones ar 07778 282934 neu e-bost [email protected] Llun o Cheryl Davies yn canu dros Goldies Dydd Mercher 6 Gorffennaf 2022 Ar ôl cael eu gorfodi gan Covid i ganslo eu holl sesiynau Canu a Gwenu HWYL yn 2010, aeth Elusen Golden-Oldies â’u sesiynau canu wythnosol HWYL ar-lein. www.goldieslive.com Fe wnaeth ‘canu soffa’ gyflwyno Cheryl Davies, arweinydd sesiwn Goldies yng Nghymru, i gynulleidfa wythnosol o bobl hŷn ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. “Roedd canu Cheryl mor boblogaidd fel bod yr elusen wedi cynhyrchu CD ohoni yn perfformio rhai o’r alawon mwyaf poblogaidd sydd mor boblogaidd gyda’n pobl hŷn”, meddai Grenville Jones, sefydlydd yr Elusen. Rhestr caneuon – gweler diwedd y datganiad. Fe wnaeth llawer o gartrefi preswyl a mudiadau cymorth i’r henoed ffrydio’r sesiynau ddwywaith yr wythnos gyda Cheryl yn dod yn llais (ac wyneb) poblogaidd ‘Goldies’, fel y caiff ei alw fel arfer. Rhoddir y CD trac dwbl gyda phum cân noblogaidd o’r 50au i bawb sy’n ôl yn mynychu ac yn mwynhau eu sesiynau poblogaidd mewn neuaddau eglwys, ystafelloedd cymunedol a llyfrgelloedd. “Mae Cheryl yn arwain gwaith yr Elusen yng Nghymru, gan arwain sesiynau. Fodd bynnag drwy’r CD gall pobl fwynhau ei chanu yn eu cartrefi hefyd”, ychwanegodd Grenville. “Mae ganddi lais gwych ac mae ‘trac dwbl’ ar y CD, felly mae’n ddeuawd gan Cheryl!” Gyda chefnogaeth gan y Loteri Genedlaethol yng Nghymru bydd Goldies Cymru yn cyflwyno sesiynau newydd i bobl sy’n byw gyda dementia a’u gofalwyr gan weithio gyda Dementia Matters ym Mhowys a Chymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Benfro (PAVS) yn yr wythnosau i ddod, gan ymateb i’w cais ‘rydym eisiau sesiynau Goldies yn ein hardal os gwelwch yn dda!” Sefydlwyd Elusen Golden-Oldies yn 2007 gan Grenville Jones, arweinydd côr sy’n byw yng Nghaerfaddon. O ddim ond pedair sesiwn yn ystod y dydd mewn ystafelloedd cymunedol, gydag ef ei hun yn arwain, tyfodd i dros 200 (cyn Covid) ar draws Lloegr a Chymru (Goldies Cymru) lle caiff ei chefnogi gan Sefydliad Moondance. Syr Cliff Richard yw Llywydd Golden-Oldies. Wrth i gyfyngiadau godi, mae’r elusen wedi medru dod â’i sesiynau canu hwyliog mewn ystafelloedd cymunedol, neuaddau eglwys a llyfrgelloedd yn ôl ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. “Proses araf oedd hi i ddechrau,” meddai Grenville, ond mewn misoedd diweddar, yn Lloegr a hefyd yng Nghymru, MAE GOLDIES YN ÔL. “Mae nod yr Elusen yn eithaf syml, sef dod â phobl ynghyd drwy sesiynau cymdeithasol drwy ganeuon poblogaidd o’r 60au ymlaen, gan ddod ag atgofion o ddyddiau fu ac atgofion annwyl. Rheswm i fynd allan, cwrdd â ffrindiau newydd a GWENU. “Mae unigrwydd a bod yn ynysig yn broblem fawr ar draws cymunedau ac rydym yn gweithio’n galed i ddod â’n sesiynau poblogaidd yn ôl mewn mwy o ardaloedd yn y misoedd i ddod. Mae pawb wrth eu bodd gyda sesiwn canu dda!” meddai Grenville. Yn Lloegr cafodd 65 o sesiynau Canu a Gwenu eu hail-lansio ar draws y wlad, o Bradford yn Swydd Efrog i Gernyw, gyda 35 ar y gweill ar gyfer Cymru erbyn diwedd 2022. Mae cefnogaeth wych gan lawer o sefydliadau ac ymddiriedolaethau wedi galluogi’r elusen i ymateb i lawer o geisiadau ar gyfer grwpiau Goldies, gan ateb y galw am weithgareddau cymdeithasol hwyliog yn ystod y dydd ar gyfer oedolion sydd wedi bod yn unig yn y pandemig. Mae’r sesiynau newydd yn cynnwys rhai yn nwyrain Llundain, Havering Asian Welfare Association, sy’n cynnal sesiwn Canu a Gwenu draddodiadol wrth ochr cân a dawns Bollywood Goldies. Mae Canolfan Gymunedol a theulu Inns Court ym Mryste yn sesiwn newydd arall a ddechreuwyd i roi prynhawn o adloniant. Mae’r Elusen wedi croesawu wyth o arweinwyr sesiwn newydd i’w tîm dros y chwe mis diwethaf ac maent yn awyddus i recriwtio arweinwyr newydd. Cysylltwch ag Emma yn swyddfa Goldies ar 01761 470006 neu [email protected] i gael mwy o wybodaeth am waith yr Elusen. DIWEDD Ar y CD mae Cheryl yn canu
www.golden-oldies.org.uk |
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